Success Stories

Theses are some of member’s life changing testimonies on how Supreme Wealth Alliance change their life. No Actors, No Dummy Cars or so…

Ivy Amor Abao Dahino 

I was once a very negative person when it comes to “network marketing”. When people ask me to join, the only thing that pops into my mind is get-rich-quick-scheme… sorry. ^_^I’m so proud to say that I’m a very hard working person who wakes up too early so that I could send my son to school, working 8 hours for my day job and another 4 hours during the night. If the traffic is not that bad then I could go home at 2 AM and get a 4 hour sleep. That was a tedious time of my life. After I quit my night job, I started to find some ways on how to get an extra income in the internet and that’s the reason why I found SWA-Ultimate and I could say that I am in the right track. My life changed, my pocket is no longer empty, negatives are gone and most of all I’m now a person who believes that “SUCCESS IS JUST WITHIN YOUR REACH”.
Thanks coach Kiko for sharing me this opportunity and to sir Francis Chaves for being so generous in creating these perfect pay plan system, to my downlines who believes in me, SWA family for keeping the post alive, new found friends and above all to our loving GOD who always pour to us his infinite blessings.
I love you all! mwahhh mwahhh tsuppp tsuppp ^_^

Jessie Cesca Guerrero

I actually love being in Business world.. I am pretty aware how financial Freedom does. At my early age, I’ve learn how business works from my humble beginnings and to the family that i grew up w.. and How Networking works but the Courage and drive was Not on me few years back.. I kept on traveling and spending my money for nothing and Now that, I am working with Financial Wealth company for about a year now. Seeing and managing my clients money … that reaches 10 to 11 digits or more… it made me think, how am i going to start my business and earning those dime while i’m still young and beautiful.. Chooss.. HAHAHA:) Seriously, i was an Envy witch, managing their investments up to now.. Haay!!:)
So, to trip down to memry lane.. what gives me the courage to do this.. i got few reasons behind: I like online business/Homebased 1, 2nd i would love to build my own Real estate business in near years and 3rd to invest in Stock MArkets.. So the bridge from me to get there is quite long if i am just going to depend on my own salary and companies commission.. I need to have my own Capital to invest to a Cashflowing business for me to fulfill on my Dreams… and SWA has it.. a Simple, easy and quality business to start and earn more as time flies… I owe my joining to my dearly friend Ivy Amor Abao Dahino who has been posting those Mouthwatery cheques on her Wall,i was compelled and somehow Enticed for days and days of juggling her account till finally decided to take my plunge..hehe:).. .. So, to end this Long letter… I thank the people, friends and GOD who let me to start this kind of Career at my age… I am beyond lucky in Everything:) Godbless us guys! X

Coach Kiko Javier

When did you join swa?
I was so blessed to join SWA in the first hour it was opened to public. It was pre launch, January 29 to be exact.
How much did you earn?
Not yet a millionaire, but surely this would count on my first million in SWA. Obviously, SWA is not a “get rich quick scheme”…which is mostly the fly by nights. To date Im running at $3,000. That is about $750/month average or Php30,000…not bad for a part time job
What made you decide to join SWA?
I was looking for something unique. In my 16 yrs of running after this very PROFITABLE industry, I would admit. I am tired. I was looking for something that would make me maximize our “current” available resources and MONETIZE it. These are the reasons I personally saw that made me BELIEVE this is good :
1. ITS 100% ONLINE – No stress in travelling and inviting friends to look at the business.
2. YOU CAN MAXIMIZE “SOCIAL SITES” LIKE FACEBOOK – Believe me Facebook is LIFE to so many people. If your pinoy, you’d understand what I mean. Because of the Facebook phenomenon…even most technologies were designed to ride with Facebook.
4. NO FORCE RECRUITMENT! – Since the WORLD WIDE WEB is so vast, with 2.2 billion users, I am so convinced that the market supply is forever. So gone are the days when you need to use FORCE and HYPNOTIZE PEOPLE to join you We just need to look for the few people LIKE US…with the same WAVELENGTH aND TELL THEM TO DO THE SAME. Everything else is going to be history.
8. NO LATE NIGHTS waiting for a PROSPECT then after everything you’ve done to convince them…they wont buy or join you!
9. 24/7 supportive team online!
10. THE PRODUCTS ARE TRULY LIFE CHANGING! The products alone would already guarantee us 100% success in whatever endeavor…how much more making it work with a very good MEMBER GETS MEMBER PROGRAM?
11. and most important for me…I AM JUST AT HOME ENJOYING MY GROWING KIDS!!!
How do u get people sign up in 4 easy steps?
1. Send them a video, and my website and tell them to check.
2. If interested, assist them in the payment process.
3. Plug them in to the TEAM…wherein they will EXPERIENCE TOTAL TEAM WORK!
what can u say about SWA?
SWA? its a blessing given to us…SO WE CAN BLESS OTHERS as well! I am still in awe, how God has answered my prayers after 16 long years of toiling and hardwork.
HOPE THIS HELPS..Godbless everyone! Enjoy your GIFTS!

Erwin Perez

From the bottom of my heart….i feel how SWA really changes so many lives, including me… i never did imagine that something like this could ever happen… im so blessed to be part of this company and group. I too was searching like sir Kiko Javier was searching good thing my upline Mvp Jeff Perez posted this in fb.I know how hard to live a life thats why i had search and search of way just to make my life easy and make it meaningful, coz im a family oriented person i like being with my family i dont want to missed good and bad moments in life and especially i value time so much.
I love SWA so much becoz its changes the way i think, the fear that inside me everything has change thanks to sir kiks the best coach that come into my life showed me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Another thing i love in SWA we treat each other as family, family that strenghten the bonds of each others through thick and thin, they are always there not only as member but as brothers’ and sister. VALUES,FAITH,INSPIRATION,VIRTUES and many more are being taught in SWA were not just giving you a BUSINESS were giving you something special that you could cherish and love everyday in LIFE. SWA CHANGES LIVES PERIOD. thanks to SIR Francis Chaves for this life CHANGING opportunity that you had bestow us.THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING Sir Chaves and Sir KIKO!we are PROUD we are part of this MARATHON toward SUCCESS!

Anna LorRaine Orineo

Hi! Since everyone has been asking a lot of questions let me share my story how I got in with SUPREME WEALTH ALLIANCE. First of all I would like to introduce myself. I’m Anna Lorraine Orineo, a registered nurse, a single parent,  and recently a nurse trainee.  I’ve been into call centers before but things are just messy that time. Now I’m EARNING DOLLARS ONLINE! HOW? THEN LEND ME YOUR EYES =)
  • Now to cut the story short I was about to end my contract as a nurse trainee on the 6th month when I met SUPREME WEALTH ALLIANCE. It was in the month of june when i heard rumors and saw pictures on FACEBOOK. SWA MEMBERS were bragging about their  dollar earnings online. So I tried to ask and they were starting to share. I tried not to care but the thing that got me on it is that they were NOT PUSHING ME TO JOIN. They were just sharing and they  wanted people to join by their own will. And because I was really curios about it, I joined. Now im earning dollars! Imagine that? I joined without really knowing the whole flow. But I knew within me that this is meant for me. I took the risk. I studied everything about the company. Then I realized that you will never really fully understand everything unless you’re on the track doing your thing. So I started  and got my investment DOUBLED in just 2-3weeks time. =) And not only that, since I am financialy incapacitated SWA gave me the chance to see my son! ONE OF THE MOST MEMORABLE EVENT HAPPENED TO ME SINCE I GOT IN!
  • We work as a TEAM here! And about the team? They are awesome! They are the kind of leaders who are people oriented not MONEY SEEKER! They help and motivate their members and see to it that they will be able to attend their needs. Now let me rephrase it,  as a member of SUPREME WEALTH ALLIANCE “we HELP and MOTIVATE our members SO NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND =)”.
These are the testimonial videos created by 3 of our many top  earners in SWA-ULTIMATE who earned THOUSANDS of DOLLARS by just using  their FACEBOOK account at home!
                                   TESTIMONIAL VIDEO:

                       ROMEL AGUAS (1,900 dollars on his first month) (OFFLINE                                 NETWORKER BEFORE)


……and Many More…

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